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Each day we are surrounded with and use many fantastic technologies. While not always obvious, these technologies require energy to operate. This energy use can add up in terms of monthly power bills ...

The objectives of this projects are: to better understand your sense of taste and how your taste buds are involved in this fundamental ability. To explore the interaction between your nose, mouth, and ...

This experiment examines the source of food and drinks you typically consume and encourages you to explore locally available food and drink products.It is an educational content by cl ...

The project goal is to become familiar with items your family regularly throws in the trash and to find a new use for one or several of these items.It is an educational content by cli ...

Understand the general concept of an acid and a base. To understand and explore the concept of a chemical reaction and an acid-base reaction.It is an educational content by clicking o ...

A crystal is an organized group of molecules, each with their own shape. For example, snowflakes are made of ice crystals and each snowflake is different. You can make crystals by using salt or sugar. ...

In this project, we will try to understand the definition of ‘biodegradeable’ and explore this in a real-life setting and compare an item specifically labeled biodegradeable to two commonly used items ...

The objective of this science fair project idea is to research how your choice of clothing affect how hot or cool you feel during the day.It is an educational content by clicking on t ...

When we look around, we do not typically see ‘air’ so it is easy to assume that our air is clean. In reality, our atmosphere is made up of mostly invisible gases. Additionally, most air pollutants are ...

Explore the relationship between oil and water in terms of density as well as hydrophilic/hydrophobic compounds.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, ...